Category : VPS Hosting

Multicraft is a very powerful dedicated Minecraft Panel that individuals, Minecraft communities, and Minecraft hosting services use. You can install it for free or buy a lifetime license for certain amount of Minecraft server host, it can be installed on anything like dedicated server or VPS hosting, of course not Minecraft hosting which would be ..

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The Operating System is the core of your VPS for hosting. It is the program that manages system memory, storage, and higher-level software for your vps hosting. The four Operating Systems we will discuss here are based on GNU/Linux. The Operating System is mostly known just as Linux. There are hundreds of distributions of GNU/Linux ..

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This article will show you how to create SSH keys on your PC for vps hosting and connect them to your vps host. SSH Keys are used to identify your system (or ssh client) with your server to allow for passwordless and highly secure logins to better secure your vps. For this example, I will ..

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