This article will assist you on how to allow all versions of Minecraft to join your server using spigot plugins ViaVersion, ViaBackwards, and ViaRewind.
![versions list minecraft server](
Download ViaVersion from its official spigot page.
Additionally: Download ViaRewind for 1.8 and 1.7 version support.
Log in to your game panel account, select the minecraft server you would like to allow all versions on, and go to “File Manager” and there access your plugins folder “plugins”.
Upload the plugins you have downloaded by clicking the “UPLOAD” button on top, selecting the downloaded plugins in the file browser window and uploading them. You should now see all the plugins in your server plugins folder.
Restart your server in the Console tab of your minecraft server panel. Done, players can now connect to your minecraft server with all minecraft versions.
Things to know
— The /reload command may break your server. Please restart your server on our game panel.
— Using ViaVersion only allows compatibility for clients, but doesn‘t change server blocks or items.
— You need to install ViaVersion, ViaBackwards, and ViaRewind to allow all versions to join.
If you need any assistance, feel free to contact us!