Minecraft BungeeCord Server Config Explained

  Game Hosting

This article will explain the entire Minecraft server host BungeeCord config. We thought we could do better job than SpigotMC! All screenshots are from DEFAULT BungeeCord config.

Choose whether to allow your server to support Forge or not.

bungeecord forge_support

Choose if you would like to have a player limit on your Bungee network, -1 is the default.

bungeecord player_limit

These are the permissions you may set for specific groups. These permissions are BungeeCord – NOT Bukkit/Spigot. You can change a player’s group in the “groups” section of the config.

bungeecord permissions

If the server is unresponsive for the set amount of time, it will disconnect all players on the server.

bungeecord timeout

Choose whether to record player commands in the console. This is ONLY for BungeeCord commands.

bungeecord log_commands

If true, your server will authenticate with Mojang servers. If false, cracked players will be able to join the server.

bungeecord online_mode

Choose what bungee commands to disable on your server, if any.

bungeecord disabled_commands

– Server Name:
– motd/ Message of the day: ‘Make sure you have the (‘ ‘) on the outside of this’
– Address: Put the IP of the server you want to connect to here, port included.
– Restricted: choose to allow players to join or not
Note: Keep following the format for every server you wish to connect to in your network.

bungeecord servers

You can add different IPs and ports for your server to listen to.

bungeecord listeners

Choose the UDP port you want your query to run on.

bungeecord query_port

This is the message of the day for the main server that users will see before logging into the server. Make sure you put the MOTD inside (‘ ‘).

bungeecord motd

You have three options for your in-game tab list.
1) GLOBAL_PING: This shows all players connected to your network/proxy server. This will refresh the pings of the players and display them
2) GLOBAL: This shows all players connected to your network/proxy server. This will NOT refresh the pings of the players.
3) SERVER: This will only show the local players on the specific server you’re connected to, NOT the entire network/proxy server.

bungeecord tab_list

Choose to enable the set query or not, this will be the query UDP you set under query_port.

bungeecord query_enabled

Choose whether you wish to allow support for HAProxy PROXY protocol or not.

bungeecord proxy_protocol

This will allow the player to bypass the MAIN server and connect directly to the server with the subdomain listed below forced_hosts. For example, the proxy/main server is elixirexample.com – the player wishes to connect directly to the survival server, so will use the subdomain, which should be listed below forced_hosts as survival.elixirexample.com. That will allow the player to bypass the MAIN server and connect directly to the survival server.

bungeecord forced_hosts

Choose whether or not to pass the ping through after a reliable connection has been made to the target server.

bungeecord ping_passthrough

List the NAME of the server you’d like to be the fallback server. This is a hierarchy, so if the lobby server goes down, then the next server will act as the MAIN server ONLY while the lobby is down. You may continue this list until all the servers listed under servers have a spot in the hierarchy.

bungeecord priorities

Choose to have the address Bungee uses to connect to your servers to be set to the address you’re listening on. Do not edit unless you’re running on a system with more than one IP address.

bungeecord bind_local_address

This is the IP and port your Bungee proxy is being run on. The default means the server will listen to ALL IPs – this is recommended.

bungeecord host

The number of max players shown in-game in the player’s Multiplayer server list. This will NOT affect the number of max players you may have on the server, this is display only.

bungeecord max_players

The number of players displayed when a player presses “tab” in-game.

bungeecord tab_size

If enabled, the player will connect to the default server rather than the server they were previously on.

bungeecord force_default_server

If enabled, this will forward the player’s TRUE IP and UUID to the Bukkit/Spigot server they are connecting to rather than the proxy’s IP. It is recommended that this be enabled true if you’re running a server in online-mode.

bungeecord ip_forward

Keep this at the default, 256.

bungeecord network_compression_threshold

This will make the server send the connecting player’s IP to Mojang.

bungeecord prevent_proxy_connections

This is where you may assign players to a group to have specific permissions. Format:
(group name):
– Player Name

bungeecord groups

A delay for a player’s reconnection to the server. This will act as a safety measure against potential attacks. This is in milliseconds.

bungeecord connection_throttle

Random codes created to anonymously provide the server with needed information. DO NOT TOUCH THIS!

bungeecord stats

The number of connections an IP may attempt within the set throttle time before having to WAIT the set connection throttle time. Example: Player Johnny may attempt to connect three times in four seconds until Johnny has to wait four seconds before attempting to connect again.

bungeecord connection_throttle_limit

Whether or not you wish to log the pings of players in the console.

bungeecord log_pings

This is experimental! This will allow Bungee to auto-complete partially typed commands by using the “tab” key.

bungeecord inject_commands

If you have any questions/concerns or need further help, contact us.

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