In this article, we will go over how to create a Minecraft server MOTD, using our amazing MOTD tool which makes things much simpler. With our MOTD tool, you will enjoy making an MOTD or perhaps editing it, every time!
The MOTD tool is one of the tools provided by our tool realm.
Make sure you are using the best minecraft server hosting on the market to ensure that your server is in good hands as well!
Head to the Elixir MOTD tool and scroll down to MOTD creator section.
Under “Type your MOTD here” type in your MOTD and use the tools provided to customize the MOTD through colors and other looks! You can check the preview under it, to see if the MOTD is perfect or needs some polishing.
Once you have the perfect desired MOTD, if you are using normal server, use the click to copy for, if you are using BungeeCord, use the click to copy for BungeeCord config.yml!
STEP 4 (normal server)
Paste in the MOTD Into the MOTD section of your and click save then restart your server.
STEP 4 (bungeecord)
Paste in the MOTD into the config.yml
That’s it! You now have the perfect MOTD using our stunning tool.
You should know:
– Spigot and BungeeCord MOTDs exist in different locations, do the STEP 4 of the one you are wanting to change MOTD for.
– You can use MOTD plugins to edit MOTD, but we always recommend using our tool instead as it is much more seamless.
– MOTD can also be edited manually through the files, but again, our tool is much more seamless.
If you have any further questions/concerns, contact us.