Intel Xeon & i7
DDR3 Ram
SSD Storage
Free MySQL
Free FastDL
Unlimited Everything
Ryzen 9 3900X
DDR4 Ram
NVMe Storage
Free Web Host
+Perks Good
Unlimited Everything
Whenever you need more ram, you can always open a ticket following fair usage.
You can add as many player slots as you'd like, remember GarrysMod is max 32.
Whenever you need more storage, you can always open a ticket following fair usage.
All servers come with unlimited premium bandwidth!
All GarrysMod servers are protected with enterprise DDoS protection.
Your GarrysMod server is equipped with enterprise latest gen hardware.
Enjoy controlling your GarrysMod server through our stunning game panel!
We are always here to help at any date and any time with whatever you need.
garrysmod hosting like no other
We are so confident in providing a guaranteed quality service, that we have a MBG policy!
Connect to your GarrysMod server seamlessly without worrying about lag at all.
We always upgrade our nodes to the latest gen hardware ensuring we always improve our service.
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